Salt Water for the Win

“The cure for anything is salt water – tears, sweat, or the sea”

It’s interesting to me how easy it is to dole out advice and how hard it is to turn around and put your own words into action. I’ve spent countless breaths telling the loved ones in my circle that just because something is comfortable doesn’t mean it’s right—careers, relationships, ugly outfits, the list goes on. Yet there I was, constantly cataloguing the reasons why it was just easier to stay on the path I was on instead of embarking down a different and unmarked road.
And that’s where the salt water came into play. I was haunted by the moments curled up on my bathroom floor, crying over the restlessness and indecision that hit me like clockwork every quarter. I found solace in the gym sessions that would leave me so physically drained and relieved that my mind couldn’t play 20 questions every night. I was recharged by my travels, and empowered by the vastness of the ocean in front of me.
And so it’s only fitting that my first few days on this new journey would follow that exact pattern. Being curled up on the bathroom floor in tears full of doubt over the chapter I was closing, and the new door I was opening. Immersing myself in extra gym sessions to sweat out the toxins of the reservation I casted over following my heart. And now here by the water, cleansing myself of the uncertainty and starting anew.
In the end I know that like the sea, the possibilities are endless. As the fear subsides and the adventures unfold I can feel myself recharging and finally feeling inspired again. I’m not sure yet where this path will lead, or what I’m even searching for in the first place. But I do know that it’s important to celebrate the little things as much as the big things. And how could I resist the chance to celebrate this crazy, beautiful, adventurous life?



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